Gallifrey Symbioted

All of Gallifrey had been Symbioted, knull transferred all Time Lord Knowledge to all of the people of Gallifrey. Knull then using Symbioted time lord professors gave them all the rank Time Lord. Knull then said," On to the next phase, to make all of the people in this star system regenerate. Giving my symbiotes infinite durability!!!!" The Tony was at a lose for word's. Knull then addressed The Tony saying," You watched me most of my life. Now I am the observer. The Tony failed and Now I'm going to do it all again!!!!!" The Tony asked,"Why?" Knull just said," Because I want to, and Tony I don't see you coming here to prevent me. So Symbiotes do my bidding." As they started The Tony ran to his division TARDIS and took off into the Whoniverse to confront Knull. Knull terrorized these planets. The Tony was looking for a song to use when he found gunsnrose's November rain. The Tony said,"Now we're talking. Let's go save my home Star system."


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